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COVID Policy

Coronavirus policy


Art East Anglia are following the latest guidelines regarding Coronavirus and have procedures in

place to keep attendees safe.

The following procedures are under constant review 

  •  Art East Anglia look forward to welcoming you to our new range of courses. However, we need to make sure that everybody attending our courses are safe. Therefore, we recommend that you take a coronavirus (Lateral flow) test before attending one of our courses.

  • All attendees (tutors, staff and participants) should take the (LFT) test the evening before or on the

    morning of the course. If you have any coronavirus symptoms you must follow the latest government guidance. 

  • If you test positive for Coronavirus or have any symptoms 10 days before the course, our advice is

    NOT to attend.

  • You will qualify for a partial refund on provision that you notify Art East Anglia 10 days before the beginning of the course.


  • Face coverings

    Outside workshops: face coverings are NOT (at the moment) required. We will of course observe

    social distancing. *Face coverings will of course be necessary when using local amenities.

    Inside venues workshops: a ‘Clear face shield’ is recommended and can be provided by Art East

    Anglia or participants may bring their own.

  • Advice will be given in advance of the course about refreshments and moving around the venue.

At Art East Anglia

       We take pride in our hospitality provision

  • Art East Anglia endeavour to create a calm and friendly environment for people to feel safe and

    thrive. This has become more relevant now in the current climate, so we advise attendees to bring

    their own drinking vessels with them. We will provide the tea and coffee.


    For more information about the management of a particular course please do not hesitate in

    contacting us.


Providing quality art tuition in Norfolk

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